
Edgeworx Cloud terminology

Edgeworx Cloud

Edgeworx Cloud is the platform for managing and monitoring edge devices. Edgeworx Cloud includes a web-based portal at cloud.edgeworx.io .

Cloud API

Cloud API is the REST API for Edgeworx Cloud. Cloud Portal and edgectl both communicate with Cloud API. You may also build your own applications that interact directly with cloud API. See the Cloud API REST documentation .


edgectl is the CLI for Edgeworx Cloud. See Get Started: edgectl for more.

Account & Org

To sign-up for a Edgeworx Cloud account, visit cloud.edgeworx.io . The user must provide an email and select a unique username.

Orgs (organizations)

An Org (i.e. Organization) is typically created for a corporate entity. For example, Acme, Inc. may create an org acme. An org is the container for projects. The personal org may only contain the Sandbox environment.

On creating a new account, a new Personal Org is automatically created for that account. Thus if the account username is alice, a new org alice is also created, and so Alice’s projects will live under her alice org.


Edgeworx Cloud comes with a free, single node environment we call a Sandbox to test your various edge resources without needing to purchase an Org. Each account can only have one Sandbox environment at a time.

Access Token

Cloud API access is secured by the use of an Access Token, which comes in two flavors, Personal Access Token and Project Access Token. A Personal Access Token (effectively an Account Access Token) works at the account level: it typically grants all access that the account has. As one might expect, a Project Access Token works at the project level: this token only works for the project it was issued for.

For both Personal and Project Access Token, a master token is automatically issued, which can be rotated, but or deleted. And for both token types, additional tokens can be generated, for circumstances when it’s unwise to share the master token (e.g. for CI pipelines, scripts, etc.).

In Edgeworx Cloud Portal, you can view the list of Personal Access Tokens from the Access Tokens link in the top-right drop-down. The list of Project Access Tokens can be accessed via the gear icon on the project page.

You can use an Access Token to make REST calls to Cloud API, or to login to edgectl via edgectl login --token xyz.


A project is a container for a set of nodes (edge devices), which you can SSH into, or deploy iofog applications to. You can create multiple projects inside an org (limited by your plan).

As described in the Access Token section, a project is automatically issued a project master token, which can be rotated, but not deleted. You can also generate additional Project Access Tokens if desired.


A node is a physical (or virtual) edge device, such as a Raspberry Pi, Intel NUC, Google Coral, or almost any device running compatible Linux operating systems and supports containerization.

To add a node to a project, execute the project’s node register script directly on that node.

Node Register Script

You add a node to a project by executing the project’s node register script directly on the node.

$ edgectl get node-register-script
# Copy and paste the output
$ curl -s https://ecj_hv98d4adwdhgk435ebzuwakfg995016kh3ys@api.edgeworx.io/v1/project/6077569f-4351-4245-a3e2-41d2452857d5/node-register-script | sudo bash
Installing Edgeworx Agent
1 Initializing
2 Finger printing system
    ▶ Shell
      ∙ Exec:       /usr/bin/zsh
      ∙ User:       root
    ▶ Host
      ∙ Hostname:   ubuntu

You can access the node register script via the Add Node button in Cloud Portal, or by executing edgectl get node-register-script.


An app or application means an ioFog application. That is to say, it is a set of microservices running on a set of nodes in a project. You can add an app to a project via Cloud Portal, or via edgectl deploy app.


A microservice (often shortened to msvc) is an individual container running as part of an ioFog app on a set of nodes in a project.