patch registry


Update fields of a container registry.

  edgectl patch registry REG_ID [--url URL] [--email EMAIL] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--public] [--requires-cert] [--cert CERT] [--project PROJECT_ID] [flags]

  # Update the Google Cloud registry having ID '1' in project "acme/proj1"  
  $ edgectl patch registry 1 --project acme/proj1 --url "" --email "" --username "_json_key" --password "my_password"

      --url string        Registry url
      --email string      Registry email
      --username string   Registry username
      --password string   Registry password
      --public            Is registry public
      --requires-cert     Does registry requires cert?
      --cert string       Registry certificate
      --project string    Project UUID or name, such as acme/proj1
  -h, --help              help for registry

Global Flags:
  -H, --header         Print header row
  -j, --json           JSON output
  -M, --monochrome     Don't colorize output
  -t, --text           Text table output
      --token string   Access Token
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output