create virtual-node


Create a new virtual node (local VM). This
command will create a new Ubuntu VM locally, and register that VM as a node
in the project.

This command requires that multipass ( be installed.

  edgectl create virtual-node [--project PROJECT_ID] [--name NODE_NAME] [flags]

  # Create a new virtual node in project using project token
  $ edgectl create virtual-node --token ecj_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --name virtual-node-1

  # Create a new virtual node in project
  $ edgectl create virtual-node --project acme/proj1 --name virtual-node-1

      --project string   Project UUID or name, such as acme/proj1
      --name string      Unique alphanumeric name
  -d, --disk string      Disk space to allocate. Positive integers, in bytes, or with K, M, G suffix. Minimum: 512M, default: 15G.
  -c, --cpus string      Number of CPUs to allocate. Minimum: 1, default: 2.
  -m, --mem string       Amount of memory to allocate. Positive integers, in  bytes, or with K, M, G suffix. Minimum: 128M, default: 1G.
      --network string   Add a network interface to the instance, where <spec> is in the "key=value,key=value" format.
  -h, --help             help for virtual-node

Global Flags:
  -H, --header         Print header row
  -j, --json           JSON output
  -M, --monochrome     Don't colorize output
  -t, --text           Text table output
      --token string   Access Token
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output