
edgectl is Edgeworx Cloud’s command line interface (CLI). It can be used to manage Edgeworx Cloud accounts, organizations, projects , nodes , and applications .

In this section we will show you how to use edgectl to get started with your first project and deploy some live microservices to the edge.

Create a Edgeworx Cloud Account

Before installing and using edgectl, we must first create an account via Edgeworx Cloud Portal (see docs ).

Navigate to Cloud Portal and click the Create Account button in the top right.

Enter your unique username and hit NEXT.

On the “Welcome” page, choose an auth provider or provide your own email and password.

Install edgectl

edgectl currently supports Mac, Linux & Windows.

Use brew to install edgectl:

brew install edgeworx/edgectl/edgectl

On Windows, use scoop to install edgectl:

scoop bucket add edgectl https://github.com/edgeworx/edgectl
scoop install edgectl

On Linux distros, use get-edgectl.bash:

curl -s https://cloud.edgeworx.io/get-edgectl.bash | sudo bash

Enable edgectl tab completion

It is highly recommended that you enable tab completion, so that edgectl can help you complete commands and arguments. The installation process is shell-dependent: bash, zsh, fish, and powershell are supported. Execute edgectl completion --help for detailed instructions for your shell.

Use edgectl

Now we are ready to use edgectl to login and start managing our Edgeworx Cloud resources.


edgectl requires an Access Token . You can get one via: edgectl login, which will open a web browser on cloud.Edgeworx.io. After authentication, edgectl will receive the account’s master Personal Access Token, and will be logged in.

If a web browser is not available (e.g. SSH’d into a box), you can also login by providing either a Personal Access Token or Project Access Token from cloud.Edgeworx.io. For Personal Access Token, click Access Tokens in the upper-right account menu. For Project Access Token, click the settings (gear) icon on the project page. Once you have the Access Token, you can execute:

edgectl login --token xyz

Command Overview

Let’s get familiar with edgectl. We can observe the main use cases by running the top-level help command:

edgectl --help

This produces help output similar to:

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate completion script
  create      Create a resource
  delete      Delete a resource
  deploy      Deploy resources
  describe    Show details of a resource
  get         Display one or many resources
  help        Help about any command
  login       Login to Edgeworx Cloud API
  logout      Logout from Edgeworx Cloud API
  logs        Display microservice logs
  migrate     Migrate a resource
  patch       Update fields of a resource
  ping        Ping Edgeworx Cloud API
  rename      Rename a resource
  restart     Restart a resource
  rotate      Rotate a resource
  set         Set values or features on a resource
  ssh         SSH into a node.
  start       Start a resource
  stop        Stop a resource
  version     Print version info

For each of the commands, you can execute edgectl CMD --help for help on that command or to list subcommands. For example, if you run edgectl get --help:

$ edgectl get --help
Display one or many resources.

  edgectl get [command]

Available Commands:
  account              Get account
  app                  Get details of an app
  apps                 List apps in project
  default              Get an edgectl default value
  defaults             List edgectl defaults
  heartbeat            Get heartbeat details
  heartbeats           List node heartbeats
  invites              List invites
  members              List members of org
  microservice         Get details of an app microservice
  microservices        List app microservices
  node                 Get node details
  node-register-script Get the node registration script for a project
  nodes                List nodes for project
  org                  Get org details
  project              Get project details
  projects             List projects in org
  registries           List container registries for project
  registry             Get details of container registry
  token                Get access token
  tokens               List access tokens

Configure Defaults

After your first edgectl login, an initial org and project likely exist. We can use the edgectl set default command to set a default org and project. This allows us to use many commands without having to provide the --org and --project flags.

Let’s start by viewing the current defaults:

edgectl get defaults

On first login, the default org is set to your account’s personal org. You typically don’t want to change the default org, but you probably want to change the default project. First, let’s list the available projects in your org:

edgectl get projects

And then set the default project (note that there is tab-completion available for the project name).

edgectl set default project alice/edge-project-1

Similarly, you can change other defaults, e.g.

edgectl set default format json